If you have a flair for writing, this is the right page you have landed upon. We are now accepting articles from anyone provided he or she has not plagiarized. Basic editing will be done by us and once your article is selected, it will be published immediately with due credit given yo you. It may be noted that no payment shall be made even if your article is selected for publishing. This is just to provide you a platform to share your writing skills with the world. There is no bar on topics and you can write whatever you like, from sports to movies, from politics to home decor, anything. There is no word limit as well. So pick up your pen and start writing. The writings may be sent to nagsaptarshi@gmail.com in Microsoft Word file with your name, occupation, age, and a recent photo. All the best.
Opportunity knocks at the door but once….it is truly connected with our life.. I really want to give u a big salute from me bcz it is a big opportunity for those people or students who are roaming here and there to get little more help but they may have failed or succeed. Sir I think you have given an opportunity to destitute students to make an identity world wide. Present day is changing, changing our views of life style but somewhere someone still thinking for those people who are aggrieved…you must one of them…thats why I am ur fan.. Thanking u sir…