‘The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo’ by Taylor Jenkins Reid- A Review

When I picked up ‘ The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo’, an all-time bestselling novel by the illustrious author Taylor Jenkins Reid, I had some ideas about the genre in which Taylor normally works. But seriously I did not have an iota of imagination that I would be hooked, moved and influenced to such an extent that I would not be able to come out of the hangover instilled in me by the characters of the book or its powerhouse protagonist even hours and a day after reading the last page. This, perhaps is one of the finest and intriguing books I have read in all my life.

People may often confuse this with ‘Susanna’s Seven Husbands’ by Ruskin Bond. Let me tell you, the two books belong to completely different genres and qualitatively Ruskin’s work often flirts with mediocrity while Taylor’s work breaks boundaries, makes you introspective of your own life and races towards a height hitherto achieved by only a few in the recent years.

No, it’s not a thriller. Yet it is an out and out page-turner. No, it does not deal with crimes. Yet, it is the confessions of the guilt of one who has seen the vagaries of life from the closest quarters. Evelyn Hugo is one of the most fascinating characters I have read in all my life. The last time I was such head over heels with a character was when I was introduced to Lisbeth Salander by the great Stieg Larsson. This time the feelings are even stronger and much more complex.
An aspiring journalist is surprisingly invited by the world’s biggest superstar Evelyn Hugo and as she recounts her own amazing life, her rise to stardom, her tumultuous love life, Monique, the jouno discovers the shocking revelations of how their lives are intertwined.
The way relationships have been portrayed, the way Evelyn’s feelings, her cravings for true love have been depicted, shows the artistic nuances of the ace author. Evelyn Hugo apparently is undoubtedly one of the most manipulative characters you will read in literature but as the story unfolds you will discover her vulnerability, her passions, her longings for true love even after being married seven times. You can call her a queer, a tart, a selfish giant. Or you can love her, you can empathize with her, you can feel pity for her losses. The choice is yours as you turn the pages of this unputdownable book. And if you have finished the book, let me know which character you loved the most- Hugo or…? Let it be a surprise.
Came to know that Netflix has acquired the film rights of this book at a whopping price. But who will essay the role of Evelyn? My bet is on Cate Blanchett. Can’t wait to watch this on the silver screen.
My rating is 5 out of 5.

News Reporter

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