Dearest Better Half,
First of all, let me take this opportunity to congratulate you on taking the boldest decision to quit the Government job of a Senior Revenue Officer (WBCS 2012) to pursue what we often term “the inner call”. You have been nagging for a while that you needed to do something which would ensure your ‘personal growth’. Initially I was not very convinced. Somewhere I had read the line ‘There are two ways of living- taking a risk or dreaming forever’. I had always thought myself to be the ‘Taking a risk’ kind, the wild variety. But maybe the wild gene in me has been domesticated by years of being in the comfort zone. And I never knew that it had found a new abode in you. So, when you came up with the proposal that at least one of us must stop being a servant and start working to generate employments, I naturally thought it was me. I was wrong. Our sessions of listening to the stories of Narayan and Sudha Murthy were working. Hours of drafting of my next book ‘The Better Version’ together started having some magical effects as you were so fast in imbibing its philosophy. And trust me, that was the moment my respect for you grew even stronger. We see everyone around us sharing quotes on philosophies they do not follow in life. You don’t use social media and you never shared any thought socially thus far. Maybe that’s why you were so resolute while we were dreaming of our future in an uncharted yet well-planned territory.
By the time our kids grow old, their mother would no longer be a decently paid Government officer. But they would definitely realize the vision of their mother and how their father had supported her in taking that decision. Maybe they will be sharing the story of their ‘strange’ but ‘always supportive’ family which always put words like ‘Self-esteem’, ‘Independence’, ‘Vision’ or ‘Growth’ ahead of cliched words like ‘career’, ‘studies’ or ‘earning’. Maybe their friends will be jealous of them for having such visionary parents, you never know, haha!
While we were taking this tough call, we were perhaps going through the toughest phase of our lives. But since when a smooth sea started making the best sailors? When everything was going wrong and even a tough guy like me was about to crumble, when the fair-weather friends had as usual shown the true colors, when the messages were being received and not being seen, there was this firm hand of yours on my shoulder asking me to change the destiny ourselves. And there came the proposal- let’s not do anything different, let’s do it differently. I remember, when our lab puppy died and I was asking God why he was so cruel upon me, you had consoled me with one line I had uttered so many times but forgot when I needed to remember it the most’ Tough times never last, tough people do’.
We both have believed in two principles in life- honesty and integrity. Come what may, we shall not compromise our principles. And I know as you start taking the path the least trodden, many of the clouds that may seem so dark now will reveal the silver linings beneath. Your decision will inspire hundreds of others to ‘follow the inner call’. You never know, I may be joining the bandwagon soon.
Wishing you a life full of innovations ahead. Wishing you a path adorned by ideas and ideals ahead. Some of the youngsters call me their ‘Motivational guru’. But I was not sure who actually motivated me. In you, I found one. Let’s inspire thousands of others together now.