Many of the aspiring authors waste months or years contemplating the theme of the book. The problem is most of them stick to just one segment of book writing- fiction. You need to have a flair for storytelling to be a fiction writer. If you do not have that- there is no point in scratching your head and relieving it of the burden of more hair. You may not be a good storyteller but you may be an excellent analyst of sports. You may not be a novelist but you can definitely be an essayist. And having researched the market for years, I am telling you the scopes of the market of non-fiction books is much larger than their fiction counterparts.

There are so many things to write about. Contrary to popular opinion, there are a number of segments where there is an absolute scarcity of good books. Who knows, you can be the king in one of those areas? So, it is essential to know the market and its demands. For example, you have a lot of ideas on teaching how to be fluent in spoken English. Now, this is a subject that has a universal appeal. And the methodology to follow to write a book on this is simple. So, go to the Amazon app and search spoken English in the book section. You need to apply a few filters while searching the books. These filter may be- at least thirty reviews, authors from your country, price range, etc. Suppose you are a native of India and you want your book to be priced at not more than Rs. 150/-. So search accordingly and you may find that there are at least one thousand books in that segment but only ten with more than thirty reviews and of these, only two have more than 4star ratings. So, the demand in this segment is extremely high but there is an absolute scarcity of good books in that category. And you may just have started the process of becoming the bestselling book author in that category.

I have used Spoken English just as an example. But you can choose your segment from a plethora of topics. It can be on applied mathematics, cybercrime, android apps, robotics, cryogenics, job interview guidance, writing books, YouTube channels, world affairs, sports and so on. There is no lack of topics around if you are an astute observer of the market. But there is an absolute dearth of good books in a variety of subjects. And pinpointing that topic is the most arduous task of your book writing process. But be assured, if this job is done meticulously, you are going to sow the seeds of a plant that is going to yield in bounty for you in the coming summers.

To be continued

News Reporter

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