When you achieve some sort of popularity, you actually pass through two phases. I call it L square. The first one is definitely a difficult one. This is legitimacy. You have to earn that position and take my word, it takes years to build a reputation to be followed by some people. It took me decades to be the Saptarshi Nag you all know and maybe some of you love, admire and follow. It needed courage, it needed sacrifice, it needed passion and it definitely needed a lot of hardwork. In fact decades of efforts and sacrifices gave me the strength to become someone whose voice will be heard by some of the people of this planet. When I wrote my first book ‘Make It BIG’ almost six and half years back, I was still going through that phase of legitimacy. Since then, I have seen life the way I had not seen earlier. The book was an instant success and even though I did not put much effort for that book and when I read that book now, I feel it could have been written in a much better way, I reckoned it was the Almighty’s blessings for all those years of hardwork in life that made the success possible, not my own efforts for the book. Moreover, it was a book of a genre where not many people had written earlier and that vaccum created an urgent need for a book like that. So, I owe much of the success of that book to a lot of factors. My own effort was the least of those.
Years passed by. Expectation was mounting for my second book. In fact, I was offered to write a lot of books on the same genre catering to the needs of the aspirants preparing for different compettive examinations. As I was introspecting my own creative world and as I was being offered big bucks to write books on the same genre catering to just one section of the society, I was thinking about the second L I mentioned in the first paragraph of the article- legacy. I was contemplating to write a book with a potential to change the lives of at least a few people. I wanted to write a book which will cater to every section of the society. So, the first chapter of the book was written back in 2021. I wanted it to be exactly a reflection of my own ideas, my own experiences, my own philosphy and my own way of seeing the charm, forgiveness, love, strength, weaknesses and vagaries of this beautiful world and as I was already on the wrong side of forty, this time I wanted to preach only what I actually practised instead of didacting on philosphies I believe in but do not practise in real life. And for that the first word that came to my mind was ‘Confession’. I have made a lot of mistakes in my own life and I do not want others to follow the suit. That’s why even after writing the first chapter, I took a long pause. I wanted to be myself and none else. I wanted to tell the world about my own feelings and not just some ideologies many people promote but they do not follow. It took me a couple of years to come to that understanding. Meanwhile, I stopped uploading motivational contents on my YT channel. I wanted to make it difficult for me. My YT consists of the people from only a section of the society and I wanted to break the shackles of being a typecast. And I seriously did not want any sort of adulation in the process of writing a book where I was giving the best of my life.
Finally, in 2024, I completed all the chapters of the book and when I was reading the end product, my own first reaction was ‘Wow’. I was absolutely critical with the content of the book. Last night, when my wife finished reading the book, she was ecstatic. And silently I just thanked the Almighty. He or she saw the efforts I had put for this book. While my first book was an emotional dose of motivation, it is rather that acrid inner voice you want to listen to when the chips are down. I have not tried to uplift your spirit just by a few motivational quotes or stories. Rather, I have tried to tell you about the mistakes you may make in the years to come if you do not stick to some basics. This is not a motivational book at all. This is rather my life in a nutshell. This is the truth you have wanted to hear when you had felt perturbed by seeing how fake the world outside can become. This is my best work till date and as the book awaits its release, I want all of you to read the book at least once. Give the book a chance and once you finish reading the book, I am sure you will thank the book for giving you a chance to look at life differently and you will surely then strive to become your ‘Better Version’.
Remember the word ‘Legacy’ I mentioned in the very first paragraph and this is where most of the people fail even after achieving legitimacy. So, this book is an attempt for that. I still do not know how successful it will become but you may try it and this book may help you to build your legitimacy or legacy.
The book releases on 24th December only on Kindle as e-book and here is the link to pre-order your copy.