Hello and welcome to Life Talks.
This is Saptarshi Nag and today we are going to discuss a number of very important topics in this video.
কর্মক্ষেত্রে সঠিক পোশাক? Importance of Dress Code at Workplace – Dress Sense- The Power of Being Formal
Apparently wearing a formal dress has nothing to do with our performance or productivity but when analyzed very minutely, it is evident that our dress code leaves a strong mark upon our image, our credibility, and our acceptability and those in turn definitely add to our performance. In this video, we have discussed at length about such intriguing matters. Also, how important are the brands that we put on, this question has also been answered in the video. So do watch it and if you like it please share it with your colleagues and do not forget to subscribe to this channel.
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To Read ভুলে যাওয়া বাঙালি –পর্ব ছয় – নগেন্দ্র প্রাসাদ সর্বাধিকারী click on the following link https://saptarshinag.in/bhulejawabanglai-6/
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Saptarshi Nag #dresscode #bangla #bengalivlog
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