I am a stranger in my own country,

As I chose to be different.

I am a stranger in my own country,

As I chose to speak my mind.

I am a fool, they say,

I am from a gang, they blame.

I am a heretic, they shout,

And I am a stranger in my own country.

I cry when they hurl stones,

I write when they burn alive,

I feel ashamed when they distort history,

And I am a stranger in my own country.

I am estranged by the war cries,

I am estranged by the holy cow,

I am estranged by the ignorance,

And I am a stranger In my own country.

I live in a world of mine,

As the world around rots.

I bury my ideas as they burn my house,

And I am a stranger in my own country.

‘Good Time’ has come, they say,

Eulogists and sycophants are here to stay,

Love your leader and this land is yours;

Or else pack your bag and run away.

I am a nihilist, they shout,

I am an anarchist, they jibe.

But I know how I have loved my land,

Which now refuses to hold my hand.

And I die every moment as I live,

As I am a stranger in my own country.

News Reporter

7 thoughts on “‘I am a stranger in my own country’

  1. Beautiful!! This is just so apt and such a true depiction of many of our thoughts!! Tha k you sir

  2. এ দেশকে ভালোবাসি কি না সেটা যখন প্রমান দিতে হয় ,তখন মাঝে মাঝে মনে হয় সত্যিই কি আমি আমার জন্মভূমিতে stranger .
    দারুন লাগল sir.

  3. Being a stranger in my own country gives an opportunity to become familiar anew..Want to be stranger through out my life..Indeed tour de force task sir..

  4. Somehow I have the same feelings as your.When I even write a positive criticism I feel I am being spied and erase my comments.I was never so such.I protested even against the tiniest wrong.But now I feel strangulated and have broken my pen and will feel broken until I again get the assurance on my own of not being bogged down by immoral cowards.

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