First of all, this is not a suggestion as I personally do not believe in suggestive studies. I am just sharing a few topics which I feel may help you in honing your writing skills and may enrich your knowledge in the eco-socio-political sphere. Please prepare these for both English and Bengali papers.
- Urbanisation – boon or bane
- Problems of the Migrant Labourers in India
- Farmers’ Suicide
- Women empowerment including Womens Reservation Bill
- Unemployment
- Inflation
- Education system in India- changes you propose
- Child labour
- Internet – boon or bane
- Social media- boon or bane
- India’s advancements in space research
- Evolvement of missile technology in India
- Artificial intelligence
- Cybersecurity
- OTT platforms
- YouTube
- Robotics
- ChatGpt
- Crypto Currency Social
- Menace of smartphone
- Ragging
- Freedom of expression
- Increase of Flood
- Water Crisis Current affairs
- Birth centenary and Death centenary of prominent personalities ( If any)
- Freedom of expression
- Uniform civil code
- India in 2047
- Sexual Harrasment in office
- Gender bias/ male chauvinism
- Environment and its challenges
- Water crisis in India and World
- Plasic- it’s impacts and remedies
- Pollution
- Conservation of forests
- Renewable energy resources/Future fuel
- Climate change
- Problems of the Youth
- India in sports
- Problems of the Senior citizens