Seeing the aggressive marketing policy and low standards of ethics of the Corporate brands across the globe, I seldom trust any of their policies they so proudly boast of. They can stoop to any level beyond your wildest possible imagination. Sell, sell, sell- sell ideas, sell talents, sell ethics, sell values, sell morals, sell religion, sell politics, sell self-esteem, sell ego, sell everyone. And when they have nothing more to achieve, they sell themselves. When was the last time you heard a Corporate house taking a stand which goes so much against the ongoing waves shaking the nation? How can it be possible? That would harm their sell dashboard. That would hinder their growth. They are known to encash the situation arising out of a disaster, a mess, a turmoil, a wave. How can they have the guts to stand on the path of the wave and lead a way to a better world where sanity supersedes rage, tolerance prevails over bigotry and uprightness wins over degrading values. This is exactly why I have started loving this cutie- Zomato.
Some bigot name Ajay Shukla who fancifully calls himself Pundit Ajay Shukla and keeps a twitter username as creepy as ‘Namo_SARKAR’ (Exactly in the same spelling so as to help you find this idiot there in Twitter) on 30th July ordered some food items from Zomato. Upon receiving the order confirmation details, he found out on his app that his food would be delivered by a Muslim boy. So immediately he requested the company to change the delivery boy as his ‘Shrawan’ ( The month of Lord Shiva) has started and he could not accept food from a Muslim boy ( He had ordered Non-veg items, remember). Soon the company told him that it was against their policy and he had to accept the food from that boy only. And then that idiot started shouting war cries across the internet calling for support for his act of ‘Courage’ by showing so much respect to his religion. Soon the like-minded ‘bhakts’ started lambasting the company and a media war started . Amidst such acts of idiocy and bigotry, the company firmly held their ground on their Twitter handle saying ‘Food does not have a religion. It is a religion’. Bingo! And soon their founder Mr. Deepinder Goyal stated on his Twitter ‘ We are proud of the idea of India – and the diversity of our esteemed customers and partners. We aren’t sorry to lose any business that comes in the way of our values.’ Once I read this statement from the founding owner of a food giant which has actually swept this nation in the last couple of years, I literally could not believe my eyes. This man even after having the idea of the possible consequences of this act did not stay away from doing what he felt right. He did what his conscience told him. Even though it may produce a disastrous effect on his business growth in the coming days, considering the gloomy situation prevailing in the country over narrow politics of religion, where cancerous Hindutva has overshadowed all-embracing Hinduism. Bhakts soon started pouring their wrath on his company. Thousands of screenshots showing the Zomato app being uninstalled started coming in. This guy, Mr. Goyal did not deviate from his stand- giving values more priority than business and respecting the idea of a truly secular nation, one which has been respected for its tolerance, oneness, and diversity.
I am not going to waste any more web space by highlighting the past acts of the ‘Shrawan Warrior’ as those are very much evident on Twitter. In fact, how can he alone be blamed? A nation which is plagued by religious intolerance, bigotry, hatred, polarized and divisive politics should not expect anything better of its citizens. Hinduism, as preached by the likes of the great Shankaracharya, Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Swami Vivekananda or Gandhiji, is like a shady tree which gives shelter to everyone alike, without distinguishing their religious or social identity. Hindutva, as preached by names which should not be uttered in the same paragraph where I have mentioned some great souls, is like a cancerous growth in the tree. India, attacked by such cancer is now ailing at the terminal stage of her benevolent existence. Zomato provided welcome relief to the ailing nation, You taught us what many of our leaders or icons failed to do. And you won my heart. Love you, Zomato. Respect.

Well said,sir