2024 has been a very special year for me. For years, I had been planning to release my second book. But things did not work out for me for so many reasons. The dearth of time is always a lame excuse for not running those extra miles, so I am avoiding it. But right from the moment I had zeroed in on the genre of the next book, I had committed to myself that I will not write about anything I do not believe in or I do not practise in my own life and that became the biggest hurdle in finishing the book. I had many ideas to share but as long as I was not practising those myself, what was the point of preaching those? I mean, if I lose my temper for almost no reasons, how can I tell others about how to manage their anger? And it needed a lot of sacrifices, a lot of discipline and a lot of courage and honesty. Just the way I have narrated the story of Joe Frazier’s brutal honesty to himself before ‘The Fight of the Century’ against Muhammad Ali, I could not cheat myself. And as a result, even when I slept very late at night, I had to wake up in the wee hours just because over the years I have found that my productive period in terms of writing has always been that particular time. I could not cheat myself. I had written two additional chapters initially and the book was then titled as 30 Days of Thinking Differently. But I had to take away those chapters as I was not truly honest to myself in practising those two concepts in my life. My own vices overpowered my desire to include those two brilliantly written chapters and I had to yield in to my instincts. Maybe in the sequel slated for release in the next year, I’ll have the strength and courage to include those if by that time I can get rid of my vices and start practising those novel ideas.
Having seen the hues and colours of life from so many different perspectives as I grew up, physically and emotionally, I always wanted to take out the extract of the journey and share with the world. Who am I ? Practically no one and a microscopic non-entity in the vastness of this beautiful universe. But deep down inside, I have always believed that even though most of the people in the world are dying to know how successful people are made of, there will always be a few who would listen to someone as minuscule as me who has seen the ups and downs so closely and remained unperturbed by the whims of the present or the obstinacy of the past yet hopeful about the uncertainty of the future.
My latest offering 28 Days of Thinking Differently is my life in a nutshell. Do not worry, I am too irrelevant or too insignificant to write an autobiography. But even the most insignificant person on earth has his own stories on how to dream, how to get up shedding off the dirt after life wrestled against you and you were overpowered by life’s vastness or tricked by its caprices. From having sinned to getting it all back, from celebrating in joy for a small success to be humbled by the universe’s amazing powers, from having a problem to even speak properly to address to thousands of listeners, I have elaborated my entire journey in a journey of 28 days.
My book as I am still receiving reviews has started its magic, a word so often used in the book. And as I have mentioned in the book time and again, magics do not happen unless you take that magic wand in your hand, life gets to a standstill unless you appreciate the challenges, have the courage to confront, come out of the comfort of having it all. Life was, is and will always remain beautiful.
Thank you life for being my best teacher and letting me garner the courage to explore a path not many others dare.
And thank you 2024 for making me the author of #1 bestseller book in India, at least for 7 consecutive days. Now it has lost its position but I’m sure it will regain the spot as it is based on nothing but truth, honesty and gratitude.
Here is the link to get the e-book https://amzn.to/3W03qWv
Happy New Year, folks…