You all have been requesting for some books I suggest for fetching good scores in different subjects of WBCS examination. Most of you are aware of my allergic reactions to different guidebooks available in the market. By the term ‘Book’ I refer to real books and not some so-called exam-oriented materials. Here is a comprehensive list of the books I recommend along with their amazon links. In many cases, I have annexed the list of more than one books for a subject. Except history , English and Maths, you can go for one of the books of the options I have mentioned. You can still look for other options. But at your own risk. Best wishes…
- History a) Ancient India- ANCIENT INDIA IN HISTORICAL OUTLINE by DN Jha https://amzn.to/3Ti2yLT b) Medieval India- History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra https://amzn.to/3IlqdF0 c) A New Look at Modern Indian History : From 1707 to The Modern Times by BL Grover https://amzn.to/49Ajym9 d) India’s Struggle For Independence : 1857-1947 By Bipan Chandra https://amzn.to/3V6qClY
- Geography- a) Mahesh Kumar Barnwal Geography of India (The Gist of NCERT) VI – to – XII Edition 2022 SERIES – 3 English Medium https://amzn.to/431J0yk b) Indian & World Geography by Late Majid Hussain – https://amzn.to/48ARQ7u
- Polity – a) DD BASU Introduction to the Constitution of India https://amzn.to/3P4zsgu b) Indian Polity by M.Laxmikant https://amzn.to/3uS7BsU c) Wizard Indian Polity & Constitution https://amzn.to/431cpJ7
- Economy -a) Datt & Sundharam’s Indian Economy https://amzn.to/3V04h9H b) Pratiyogita Darpan English March 2024 – Union Intermin Budget 2024-25, Indian Economy A Review 2024 https://amzn.to/49yPesc c) Indian Economy by Nitin Singhania https://amzn.to/3V0gcV3
- English – a) Word Power Made Easy By Norman Lewis https://amzn.to/49V25EC b) A TEXT BOOK OF HIGHER ENGLISH GRAMMAR, COMPOSITION & TRANSLATION by PK De Sarkar https://amzn.to/3wKoA0L c) Webster’s Thesaurus for Students https://amzn.to/48zAo3q
- General Science- a) Arihant Magbook General Science & Technology https://amzn.to/4bU86U1 b) Developments in Science and Technology by Spectrum https://amzn.to/42XDCfM
- Maths and Reasoning a) Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal https://amzn.to/4bTCnCr b) A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal https://amzn.to/49vxz4w c) CORE GANIT by KC Nag https://amzn.to/3T1aLm8
- Current Affairs and GK- Adhyayan Notes and Materials regularly updated on this website (www.saptarshinag.in)
- Map Books- Oxford Student Atlas for India https://amzn.to/3IkpqnG
- Interview Guidance Book- Make it BIG- Cracking Government Interviews in Corporate Style by Saptarshi Nag https://amzn.to/4bTCqy7
Thank you so much sir 💙👍For the kind advice.