By Saptarshi Nag, WBCS (Exe)
You have already started thinking in simple sentences. Now whenever you see a bird on the sky, the first thing coming on your mind is ‘The beautiful Bird is flying’. Your confidence level is also increasing gradually. Now we are going to expand our business a bit. Stand in front of the mirror. Look at yourself and ask a question. For example ‘What is your favorite pastime?’ Now start answering the question in English. Close the door as you would want an exclusive, undisturbed session with yourself. Initially, you will feel shy. You will fumble for words. Do not worry. Everyone who is reading this article will face the same problem. Before you start speaking, there are a few steps to follow-
- Organize your thought process.
- Maintain seriousness on your face as if you are answering someone else.
- Use simple sentences.
- Even if you fumble, do not stop speaking.
- Avoid using any fanciful words.
- Do not lengthen your answer. Keep it crisp.
- Do not use long, complex sentences.
This could be just the right answer- I love playing soccer during my leisure time. I am a member of the University Soccer Team. I have also represented my district in the inter-district under-21 football championship. I play mostly at the midfield. I scored seven goals in the last session.
I am giving you a few sample questions for the practice sessions
- Tell me about a movie you have recently watched.
- Tell me about a book you have recently read.
- Tell about your favorite food?
- Give me a brief introduction to your city.
- Describe your home.
- Tell me about your favorite teacher.
- Which is your favorite subject and why?
- What is the best quality in you?
As you are answering the questions, you may realize that at some points you are making some grammatical errors. This may break your confidence. Remember, English speaking does not necessarily mean being perfect in grammar. Even those whose native language is English make grammatical errors while speaking. Think about yourself. Say, your native language is Spanish. Do you speak perfectly in Spanish without making any grammatical or phonetical errors? An expert in your native language will point out that you are making at least one error per sentence which otherwise will go unnoticed. This happens to everyone unless he or she is extremely proficient in the language. Our goal is not to become an expert in the language. We simply want to communicate our thinking in English.
If you are not making mistakes and pausing for words, you are perhaps not practicing enough. It is not an easy task suddenly thinking in another language, organizing the thinking and bringing it in speech. But do not feel low even if you make mistakes or do not use the right words. What matters is whether you are able to communicate your thoughts or not. Initially, you will feel that you are using plenty of hand or head movements or strange facial expressions as you are talking. This happens to everyone. By using your hands you are actually buying some time to think and express. There is nothing wrong with it. You may also feel the urge to drink water as you will feel your throat is drying up as you try hard to complete the answer. You can treat yourself with a glass of water after you finish the answer. You can also make a selfie video with your camera phone as you speak. This will help you in evaluating yourself. Further, as you make gradual progress, that would be quite evident in the videos and will give you much- needed confidence in the latter part of the course when you will discover your progress.
The books I recommend for mastering Spoken English are enlisted below with their Amazon links
- Speak Better Write Better by Norman Lewis- https://amzn.to/2K3hbPs
- Think English Speak English by Julia Northbrook- https://amzn.to/2YdCYwz
- Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis-https://amzn.to/2GxDFFZ
- English Conversation Practice by Grant Taylor- https://amzn.to/319L3j3
Do not forget to read the previous chapters
- https://saptarshinag.in/2019/07/28/learn-spoken-english-in-15-days-part-1/
- https://saptarshinag.in/2019/07/30/learn-spoken-english-in-15-days-part-2/
- https://saptarshinag.in/2019/07/31/learn-spoken-english-in-15-days-part-3/
Awsome dada…
Your helping hand for us by your website is the best opportunity to me. I obey you as my motivator.
Thankyou very much sir.
Sir You are doing a great work through this website. Thank you so much for this initiative.
I have read your book “Make it big” truly amazing , though I have not watched the movies enlisted there at the end. 🙂 . ..thank you once again sir.